Contaminant / Kevin Howard
A speculative exploration into the future of uranium mining in and around Bears Ears National Monument.
Sentience / Kayla Kingsley
There is opportunity for intervention in what influencers post and what users see. By regulating the post itself, being a video or photograph, there is opportunity to change the conversation from “where” to more importantly, “why.”
To shift from where one was located geographically, to where one was located emotionally.
Revealing Yellowstone’s Vital Signs through Machines / Jesse Butterfield
Visitors of Yellowstone are greeted by one of the most pristine Ecosystems left in this world, and many believe it to be frozen in this condition. However, very few know about the constant change of this environment that is illustrated through vital signs that are published by the park. Much of this change is for the worse and caused by human activities. This project aims to design three-dimensional representations of current vital sign data and incorporate them into the park to give visitors a glimpse into the health of the park and connect visitor actions to consequences.
Period / Chloe Betts
Product designers have systematically excluded period-havers from their designs. As a result, a barrier forms between period-havers and their communities. This gap is especially evident in outdoor spaces and in the backcountry. This project aims to manipulate the stigmas that persist for period-havers in order to confront them.
Turbulence / Justine Ecker
Abyss is an experience designed to take users through key moments in Yellowstone's history and give them the opportunity to change them. After users choose their preferred path of events a new version of the park is presented. Users can then compare the version of Yellowstone they created with the current state of the park.
The Commodification of Bears Ears / Christopher Pynes
Investigation on how physical intervention can protect against the abstract.
From this research
I identified three main objectives: Firstly to identify the existential threats posed to Bears Ears. Secondly to reconnect individuals to the physical consequences and dangers of transactional capitalism. Finally to imagine new forms of existence within
a seemingly monolithic economic framework.
Re(al)cycling / Tori Gwynn
I am creating a recycling bin that eliminates wishcycling. By incinerating everything that goes in the bin, wishcycling is effectively eliminated. Additionally, the toxic fumes and other health hazards associated with incineration are brought into the home, forcing the user to confront the reality of our flawed recycling system.
Community Centered / Vincent Burns (he/him)
Animal Agriculture, is a research project exploring a more humane future for animal agriculture, in which the animals we eat are integrated into our communities.
The Idea of Ritual / Kelsie Quintana
We humans are creatures of habit, which is why our lives are so intertwined with different rituals. The idea of ritual came from an in depth understanding of tourism in Yellowstone National Park. Searching for the reasons we go, the way in which we experience these things, the way we take things in and how we bring those experiences back home. The goal of this design is to create a traveling modular cube system to engage visitors in a sacred experiences that not only draw connection to the phenomena that they are set in but to also be easily understood through the mundane of daily activity.
Quieting Yellowstone / Ethan Powell
Natural sounds are part of a web of resources vital to park ecosystems which are composed of immersive experiences important for wildlife, wilderness and visitors. These sounds are in danger of being overpowered by the sound pollution created by the increasing number of visitors each year. The goal of this project is to design a mask that allows visitors to communicate with each other while protecting the natural soundscape around them.